Saturday, August 30, 2008

A Wonderful Party

The other day, my dog "niece" went to a wonderful party. Several dog friends received invitations to this party, and they arrived dressed in their best collars, scarves, and ruffs. There were games for them to play, dog treats to munch on, , and time to just lie on the grass and visit. Their humans had treats and visit time too, which made it very nice for everyone. In fact, both humans and dogs had a howling good time.
Maybe it is time to start planning a Sheltie Party here at Sheltie Hollow.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Painted Ladies

The end of August/beginning of September is such a beautiful time of year. The fields are golden with hay stubble, the corn gleams yellow/green on tall stalks, and the grass develops a soft look. Even the light has a warm, golden glow to it.
There is a hush in the air - a feeling of waiting, as if Nature is gathering her energy for the spectacular blaze of color to come.
I often pass the field where these two Painted Ladies graze in harmony with their surroundings.
They even have an occasional Painted Lady visitor of another species.
This Colored Pencil painting is available for purchase.

Heather Anderson

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Dog Days

Eastern Ontario has been pelted with a lot of rain this summer. We've been doing more inside than in the garden. Last week, we finished putting in a new floor in the studio, and already the dogs and cat are enjoying it and giving me ideas for new paintings. Here you see Lily reclining in front of the studio fireplace, probably dreaming of a dry lawn where she can get up a little more speed when chasing her sworn enemy, the Squirrel.